Travis Adam Bradach
Raised in the beautiful state of Minnesota (USA)
Loved spending time with family & friends
Loved God, the Universe, Nature, & Animals
Enjoyed sports (esp. Ice Hockey & Baseball)
Favorite Athletes – Wayne Gretzky, Mario Lemieux, Jaromir Jagr, Bo Jackson, Michael Jordan, Walter Payton, Kirby Puckett

Loved studying Philosophy, Religion, & Spirituality (started as a child)
Planned to attend a chiropractic school after finishing university – felt guided halfway through senior year to become a teacher instead, but still completed degrees
Did not want to become a “Public School Teacher” – trained to become a Montessori Teacher
While working at Montessori & Public Schools in Illinois, began working on a “New Curriculum” for schools & parents and turned it into a book originally self-published in 2007 – Thrust of Light: An Education Manifesto

Went to Australia to work at an International High School and later as a Youth Worker helping the most “at risk” students
Manuscript for the original book continued expanding to over 1,000 pages – too long for a single book and intended to then turn it into nine books
The “Yellow Book” was originally self-published in 2011 as an introductory book to the rest of the series – Thrust of Light: The Reformation of Civilization Through a Revolution in Education.

The “Yellow Book” was re-edited and self-published in 2019 as a “Revised Edition”.
Domain name was purchased. Trademark applications for the Thrust of Light name and Spear logo were initiated for Australia and in the Madrid System / WIPO. “Officially Founded” – 2019.
Thrust of Light is now a “Sacred Activity” that focuses on helping Young People (conception – young adults), Parents, Schools, & anyone else who is desiring to work together and make important changes for the building of a “New World” – A Revolution for the Reformation of Civilization.
High School Diploma: Virginia Secondary – Virginia, Minnesota
Bachelor’s Degrees: University of Delaware – Newark, Delaware
Double Major: Biology & Philosophy
Minor: Religion
Montessori Training: Caspari Montessori Institute – Bozeman, Montana
Montessori Certificate: Pan American Montessori Society
LEM Phonics Certificate: Light Educational Ministries – Charnwood, ACT (Australia)

Youth Support Coordinator: Queensland (Australia)
Teacher / Education Officer: The Kooralbyn International School – Queensland (Australia)
Substitute Teacher in Montessori & Public Schools (preschool - grade 12) – Delaware and Illinois
Physical Education Instructor – Montana
Montessori Teacher (2 ½ - 7 years) – Montana
Big Brothers Big Sisters of America – Delaware
Youth Ice Hockey Coach & Instructor – Delaware