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Schools of Excellence




Proper Parenting and True Education are the keys to changing the world! Thrust of Light is dedicated to both of them as well as working directly with young people themselves through various presentations and programs.


To ANYONE living ANYWHERE who is interested in improving their own schools or trying to start their own new schools, Thrust of Light would be absolutely honored and privileged to help in building Schools of Excellence designed to help young people become the Enlightened Leaders that the world NEEDS! In doing so, we will create a Moral Renaissance led by individuals with Noble Characters who are focused on Self-Perfectionment and Selfless Service which will establish an Era of Excellence . . . an Age of Magnificence!!!


This service can be provided everywhere. No school is too big, too small, too poor, or too far removed from the “beaten path”, and no desire of building a School of Excellence from the bottom-up is too challenging. Every nation on Earth needs such schools, and every effort will be made to assist people who have a sincere hope of providing a better future for their children and for all of humanity.


Villages, Towns, & Cities...Urban & Valleys, Mountains, Jungles, & Deserts...even at the North & South Poles...Thrust of Light is willing to go ANYWHERE in a Sacred Mission of Love & Joy that will lead to a world of Truth, Freedom, Justice, Purity, Beauty, Peace, Harmony, & Prosperity for ALL!


Raphael - The School of Athens (1509-151

The School of Athens  Raphael (1509-1511)

* * * Here is a small glimpse of what will be focused on when building Schools of Excellence:



  • School Campus: Discussion on the need for buildings, classrooms, and the landscaping to be safe, beautiful, comfortable, and beneficial for the natural development of children, as well as be inspiring for the school staff, children, parents, and community.


  • Healthy and Natural Environment: Discussion on the need for clean air, proper lighting, pure water, nutritious food, and providing various forms of “healthcare” to the staff, children, parents, and community.


  • School Board: Discussion on the Board’s role within the school, the importance of respecting and valuing the staff, the need for schools to operate independently, and the wise use of money and resources.


  • Principal/President: Discussion on the many leadership qualities that will be needed by those who are going to lead the future Schools of Excellence, the importance of inspiring the staff, and building the school into a model for others to follow.


  • Teachers: Discussion on what many teachers are doing that ineffectively educate the children, what they can do differently, raising the standards of educators, inspiring the children to want to learn, and working more closely with parents and the community.


  • Parents: Discussion on what strategies parents are using that are ineffective in raising children and are hindering their natural development, various strategies that work more effectively, and developing a better relationship with teachers and the community.


  • Community: Discussion on the importance for parents, schools, and the overall community to develop a closer relationship, supporting children to volunteer within the community, and creating opportunities that support the education and natural development of children.


  • Athletics, Clubs, & Other Activities: Discussion on the true purpose of athletics, the nature of competition in athletics and the “business world”, and a list of various activities that will benefit the youth.


  • Libraries: Discussion on the importance of reading, on the greater importance of reading the “right” kinds of books, teaching children Reality instead of Unreality, developing the imagination, and what libraries may be like in the future Schools of Excellence.


  • Music & Art: Discussion on the power of music, the various forms that are beneficial to the soul and the ones that are harmful, the importance of art in people’s lives, the various forms that are beautiful and nurture the soul compared to those that are grotesque and harm the soul.


  • Technology & the Environment: Discussion on human interaction and how it has changed over the years, the need to unite technology and spirituality for balance, energy production, conserving the environment, and the need for alternative sources of energy.


  • Program for Pregnancy: Discussion on the importance of education beginning before conception takes place, working with the unborn children while they are still in the womb, the sacredness of sex, the need for parents to plan and prepare themselves to conceive instead of just “having accidents”, the need to be spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically ready to be parents, as well as ideas for women on how to make the most of the nine months of gestation to support the natural development of their children.


  • Infant/Toddler Program: Discussion on the importance of properly working with children from birth until three years of age, developing the left brain and right brain, molding their minds by simply living and experiencing the world around them, and the need to protect children from everything that is harmful to their bodies, minds, and souls.


  • Preschool/Kindergarten: Discussion on the incredible Montessori Method, developing a sense of community within the classroom, the proper materials to use when working with children, the amazing LEM Phonics, the value of language, religion and spirituality, morality and virtues, free will, cause and effect, and the importance of excellent leaders and role models.


  • Elementary: Discussion on the vital need to develop the “whole person”, the explosion of knowledge that takes place during this stage of development, preparing them to later become well-adjusted teenagers, giving them more freedom with more responsibility, allowing them more time to learn outside of the classroom, the need to change how we teach children the subject of History, eliminating textbooks that hinder the development of true knowledge, the surprisingly important need to use tables to sit instead of the restricting desks, and teaching children the “Art of Thinking”.


  • Junior High: Discussion on helping children to naturally move into adulthood, the need to choose their friends and partners wisely, developing good time-management skills, sexual education, giving them even more freedom with even more responsibility, raising the bar for them instead of lowering it, and helping them to know their God-given rights.


  • High School: Discussion on treating young people as adults, developing real-world skills for adulthood and their future careers, the need to think for themselves, making/learning from mistakes, comparing the Intellect and Intuition, ending the “Age of Entitlement”, keys for success, the power of beliefs, understanding the cycle of Giving and Receiving, teaching them to become great leaders, helping them to resolve psychological problems that they may have, learning the important difference between Doing and BEing, teaching them more about the human ego and the need to surrender it, and schools giving students an “exit exam” before they graduate by having them demonstrate that they are ready to enter society as mature and contributing adults.


  • College/University: Discussion on the need for young adults to continue receiving support from parents and family, the need for students to receive as much hands-on experience as possible to fully prepare them for their future careers after they earn their degree, the options of Online Universities and Trade Schools, the outrageous cost of education, student loan debt, and the problem of students attending parties to binge drink, take drugs, and engage in risky sexual behavior.


  • Additional Programs to Offer: Discussion on the need to benefit from the wisdom of senior citizens by assisting in the natural development of the youth, offering classes and programs to the overall community, and using the school campus all year for various programs and a safe environment for people wanting to continue with their own “personal education” in numerous subjects, such as art, computers/IT, cooking, dancing, health/well-being, home improvement, money management, photography, politics, religion/spirituality, singing, writing, and so on.



This list was taken from:


Chapter IX – Thrust of Light: The Reformation of Civilization Through a Revolution in Education


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