Special Presentations
For Parents
Sacred Science of Parenting – An extremely important discussion on the vicious attack upon the youth of the world and the obstacles that they face throughout their childhoods and into their adulthoods. It is a crucial reminder of the vital role that all parents play in the natural development of children. Various strategies are shared for their own self-improvement and encouragement for them to lead by example. The focus is to assist parents in trying to help build a better world and supporting children to do the same.​​
For High School Students
High Hopes for High Schoolers – A very important discussion that ALL high school students should hear. A unique and one-of-a-kind presentation that focuses on the most important issues that high school students are dealing with and effective strategies to overcome obstacles, develop confidence, and to be healthy and happy. This is NOT a controversial presentation; however, there is no presentation like it anywhere in the world for high school students.
For University Students
God's Place in the Age of Technology – A thought-provoking and timely discussion that focuses on Science & Religion, Technology & Spirituality, and how God fits into our modern world. Many vital issues will be considered, such as the benefits and dangers of current technology; the future of creativity and innovation; Man’s connection with Mother Nature; Man’s Creation vs. God’s Creation; and a vision for the necessary intertwining of Technology & Spirituality in order to establish an Age of Magnificence.
Our Most Important Questions – A thoughtful and inspiring discussion about some of the most important questions that people everywhere have desired answers to throughout history…but too few have ever received. Some examples include: Is there a God? What happens when we die? Who are we? Where did we come from? Why are we here?
Preparing the Future Leaders of the World – A powerful discussion for ALL young people, especially those who feel guided to become leaders in certain areas of society. This is NOT for the faint-hearted, as many intense and very important topics are discussed. It helps people to better understand what is taking place around the world while also providing effective strategies that will help them to become “Enlightened Leaders”. There is no presentation like this anywhere in the world when it comes to providing knowledge and strategies for developing leadership skills.
Re-Normalizing Life – A thought-provoking discussion on ourselves, others, and the nature of society in order to determine whether or not human behavior is “Normal”. The focus is upon many aspects of our lives and society to expose that much of what is taking place is actually “Abnormal”, and yet most people have come to accept that it is “Normal”. This understanding can change people’s lives in such unbelievable ways when they see what is taking place more clearly and learn strategies to live differently.
Spirituality: Droplets of Truth – There is no presentation anywhere in the world like this one, which discusses in great detail so many spiritual topics that most people would find incredibly interesting and even life-altering. The topics are discussed using both spirituality and science in a way that is NOT done by the world’s religions, philosophers, scientists, or in the “New Age Movement”. Some examples include: Does God exist? Do we have a soul? Are we “human” or “divine”? What is the purpose of life? Why do we suffer? What is the “Spiritual Path”?
The Way of Joy – An extremely important discussion on many of the biggest obstacles that young people deal with on a daily basis and prevent them from having joyful lives. It offers many exciting and effective strategies to help change people’s lives and for them to overcome whatever may cause suffering and/or fear, anxiety, and depression.
Turning Snowflakes into Diamonds – An excellent discussion on the issue of young people often being very sensitive and easily offended / insulted, which led to them being called “Snowflakes”. No mockery or criticism – just an honest look into the situation with powerful information and strategies to help them transform into “Diamonds” who will be strong, fearless, peaceful, loving, and joyful. This talk should be heard by all young people looking for ways to be happier and have more fulfilling lives, while also being able to withstand negativity and overcome the obstacles they may experience.
Versus: The Power of Choice – A fascinating discussion presented in a simple manner by comparing the opposites of specific concepts and helping young people to figure out which choice would be better for a life that is healthy, happy, purposeful, and fulfilling. Some examples include: Hate vs. Love, Selfish vs. Selfless, Opinions vs. Truth, Chaos vs. Harmony, Arrogance vs. Confidence, Sympathy vs. Empathy
Additional Topics for Discussion
Coronavirus Pandemic
Climate Change
Politics - Conservatism vs. Marxism (Progressivism / Socialism / Communism)
The Role of Government
Globalism & Nationalism
The Role of Technology
Health & Well-Being
The Attack on the Youth
The Purpose of Education